Journal of the Institute of Iberoamerican Studies

Volume 26(2); December 2024
ISSN : 1229-9111

Iberoamérica is published biannually in June and December. The journal accepts original contributions from wide-ranging subjects and approaches from disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, linguistics, literature, cultural studies, political science, history, etc., related to specific countries, regions, time periods or the sub-continent as a whole. Without being restrictive, the journal invites authors to explore, from these disciplines, the historic and progressively growing relationship between Latin America and Asia, particularly with Korea.

Current Issue

Kwon, Ki-su

Kim, Hang-Seob

Jung, Ho-yoon

Kim, Han-Chul

Son, Hye-Hyun

Cho, Hye-Jin

Lee, Soon-Joo

Lilián Illades Aguiar, Agustín Grajales Porras

María Claudia Macías

Irma Eugenia García López